This, posted to the Conlawprof's service by yours truly:
It's not everyday that we mere mortals find ourselves in the same post
with a genuine saint, but why pass up the chance?
One of our esteemed colleagues was kind enough to note this delicious
article by Stanley Fish in the New York Times on Jan. 08, 2009 and
pass it along, I hope for posting here. Thank you very much, Mae
Kuykendall, for a very good catch, indeed!
We had been discussing here the need to Sort the Conlaw Wheat from the
Conlaw Chaff, not getting Led Down the Garden Path by the proverbial
Red Herring, nor Being Taken in by any Window Dressing, of which I'd
alleged there was a plenitude in the row over the appointment of Mr.
Burris to the Senate by the now impeached but as yet untried Gov.
Blagojevich of Illinois. The taint over the alleged attempt to sell
the senatorial office recently vacated by Pres. Elect Obama to a very
high bidder was originally thought by some to so de-legitimize the
appointment of Mr. Burris that it shouldn't be allowed to stand. The
innocent Mr. Burris has cogently argued that he didn't offer to buy
the office as he didn't have any money, so he's clean, which seems
like an interesting defense against taint to me.
At any rate, this sort of fiasco has arisen before and greater minds
than mine have wrestled with it. We've already noted Chief Justice
Marshall in Fletcher v. Peck in around 1810 if memory serves,
involving the Georgia legislature and some state land that got sold to
some self-interested individuals not excluding the legislators. The
question was whether their dirty dealing could stand. It did. The
remedy was to vote the rascals out or run them out, but not to undo
the dirty deal. And now it seems that St. Augustine, among the
sharpest of thinkers I've heard, wrestled with the taint issue himself
and came up with his own good reasons for allowing official acts to
stand despite the taint of the official actor, even if he is a priest;
especially if he's a priest.
It seems the earlier problem with the official acts of priests was
that the priests turned to be not much more morally pure than the
erstwhile Georgia legislators of Marshall's day and who knows, perhaps
even Gov. B. himself. We can't place souls in jeopardy over that, can
we? We can't, said St. A.
Here's the column from the Times that was so kindly forwarded by Prof.
Stanley Fish - Think Again
January 8, 2009, 10:00 pm
Roland Burris and St. Augustine
The arguments against seating Roland Burris as the junior senator from
Illinois come down to one word: “tainted.” It is not Mr. Burris who is
said to be tainted. It is, rather, the man who appointed him, Gov. Rod
Blagojevich, who has been caught on tape saying many sleazy, self-
serving and despicable things.
It is not clear, however, that Mr. Blagojevich has actually done
anything that merits either his conviction or impeachment. On that
question, time will tell. And suppose that in the long run the
governor is cleared of all charges, and suppose that in the short run
Mr. Burris is denied a seat and someone else is appointed in his
place. What then? Is the second appointee now dismissed because his or
her appointment was “tainted” (he or she reached office as the result
of an injustice)? Does the state start all over again and hold a new
Questions like these highlight the difficulties and conundrums that
arise once the lawfulness of an official action is made to depend on
the purity of the person who performs it. If the rectitude of the
office-holder is crucial, how far back does one go in an effort to
validate it? College? High school? Grade school? Sand box?
If an act can be declared null and void by a demonstration that those
who signed off on it are unworthy, do all official acts rest on a
foundation of sand? Can apparently settled decisions be undone in a
second when evidence of venality is uncovered? Does your daughter lose
her place in a college because the admissions officer who let her in
turns out to be an embezzler? Do DWI convictions get reversed when the
judge is revealed to be a drunkard? Is your marriage invalidated
because the clerk or cleric who performed it cheated on his wife or
stole from the poor box?
This last question is not new. It was debated in the 4th and 5th
centuries in the context of what is known as the Donatist controversy.
This debate was about the status of churchmen who had cooperated with
the emperor Diocletian during the period when he was actively
persecuting Christians. The Donatists argued that those who had
betrayed their faith under pressure and then returned to the fold when
the persecutions were over had lost the authority to perform their
priestly offices, including the offices of administering the
sacraments and making ecclesiastical appointments. In their view,
priestly authority was a function of personal virtue, and when a new
bishop was consecrated by someone they considered tainted, they
rejected him and consecrated another.
In opposition, St. Augustine (rejecting the position that the church
should be made up only of saints) contended that priestly authority
derived from the institution of the Church and ultimately from its
head, Jesus Christ. Whatever infirmities a man may have (and as fallen
creatures, Augustine observes, we all have them) are submerged in the
office he holds. It is the office that speaks, appoints and
consecrates. Its legitimacy does not vary with personal qualities of
the imperfect human being who is the temporary custodian of a power
that at once exceeds and transforms him.
The context need not be a religious one for the same issue to arise.
In the late 16th century the leasing of certain lands was challenged
because Edward VI, who had made the lease, had not been of legal age
at the time. In response, the crown’s lawyers invoked and clarified
the doctrine of the king’s two bodies: “The king has in him two
bodies, a body natural and a body politic.” His body natural is
“subject to all infirmities that come by nature,” but his body politic
does not have a bodily and imperfect form; rather it consists of
“policy and government” that has been “constituted for the direction
of the people.”
Directing the people is his job, and he has not only the right but the
duty to do it no matter what kind of person he happens to be.
Therefore the body politic – the king’s official power – “cannot be
invalidated or frustrated by any disability in his natural body.”
In the next century, Thomas Hobbes was even more succinct when he
declared (in his Leviathan) that the king is not obeyed because he is
wise and good; he is obeyed because he is king.
Of course, President-elect Obama, majority leader Harry Reid and the
members of the Illinois legislature are under no obligation to defer
to the judgments of Hobbes, the crown’s lawyers or St. Augustine when
thinking about the problem posed by Blagojevich’s appointment of
Roland Burris. But they might well want to ponder the reasons that led
those worthies to the position they took.
Virtue is a fine thing and it would be better if those who govern us
instantiated it. But virtue is, for most human beings, an occasional
achievement – sometimes you are, sometimes you aren’t – and, moreover,
there is no public test, no test everyone would agree to, for
determining its presence.
The legitimacy of an appointment can be either a procedural or a moral
matter. If it is a procedural matter, authority is conferred by the
right credentials, and that’s that. If it is a moral matter – only the
good can be truly authoritative (this was John Milton’s position) –
authority is always precarious, and the structures of government and
law are always in danger of being dissolved.
The (perhaps paradoxical) truth is that while governing has or should
have a moral purpose — to safeguard and advance the health and
prosperity of the polity — it is not a moral practice. That is, one
engages in it not by applying moral principles but by applying legal
principles. Senator Reid and his colleagues in the Democratic party
seem finally to have figured that out, which is why, in the absence of
any more bombshell revelations, Roland Burris will be seated as the
junior senator from Illinois.
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